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Generate my payroll report

Create your payroll periods for your different contracts in order to transmit easily your exports to your chartered accountant.

Updated over a month ago

If you need to juggle dates according to your employees' contract types, don't panic, you can handle it easily 🙌

Creating your main payroll period

Go to Reports :

  • Click on "New main pay period"

  • Select the start date, the end date of the period and the contracts to be included in the period. If you want to create an alternative pay period for a specific type of contract, it must be unchecked at this stage.

  • Save

Good to know :

  • In order to have payroll reports as accurate as possible, please make sure you validate your employees actual hours :

  • In order to avoid catching up and verifying complex hours, we recommend you to create your periods for full weeks, from the first Monday of the month to the last Sunday of the following month.

  • Once the first pay period has been created, the next one must start the following day !

Creating an alternative pay period

To create an alternative payroll report, a main payroll has to have been previously created.

Go to Reports :

  • Click on "Actions" on the right

  • Select "Add an alternative period" and fill in the input fields as before. The dates can be different from the main pay period, as long as part of the period is common.

Good to know :

  • You can create as many alternative pay periods as there are contract types to isolate

  • If an employee doesn't appear in your reports, check that all contract types have been selected in your payroll periods (general and alternative)

Downloading your payroll report

Go to Reports :

  • Download the spreadsheet export or click on "Other exports" to choose only the absences / variable payroll elements report, or the export adapted to your payroll software integrated with us

Good to know :

  • The spreadsheet export includes 3 tabs: one on absences, one on variable payroll elements, a summary with all the employees' accounting information !

  • You can create access to your accountant directly !
    We'll explain how right here 👈

And you can also send your Payslips directly to your employees via Combo, we explain it all in this article 👈

Deleting your pay period

If you want to modify a pay period, you will have to delete it and recreate it.

Go to Reports :

  • Click on "Actions" on the right

  • Select "Delete" and confirm

Good to know :

  • Deleting a main pay period therefore deletes:

    • Alternative periods

    • Bonus and down payments filled in,

    • Changes made in the CTO tab.

On the other hand, deleting an alternative pay period has no impact on the main pay period !

Only the last created payroll period can be deleted !

If you want to understand the payroll report columns and export your payroll reports, go here 👈

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