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How to integrate your payroll software into our marketplace

Link Combo to your payroll software to have your variable pay elements in your payroll software format !

Elodie avatar
Written by Elodie
Updated over a week ago

Combo integrates with many payroll software packages. This means you can upload your variable payroll items directly to your payroll software !

Your payroll period has yet to be created ? Catch up right here 👈

Fill in your employee's personnel number

  • Click on "Edit information"

  • Go to the "Contact" section

  • Fill in the personnel number at the bottom of the "Employee Number" box

  • Save

Good to know :

  • The personnel number corresponding to the WinGip software consists of 5 digits and no letters.

  • You can generate your employees' personnel numbers automatically. Visit here to find out more !

Creating your bonuses or advance

Head to Settings > Locations and Schedules > Your location :

  • In the Labour Settings > Bonuses section, simply click on the "+ Add" at the top right to create a new bonus.

  • Choose the name you want to appear on your payroll report, the corresponding field in your payroll software

  • Save

Integrate your payroll software with Combo in our marketplace

In Settings > Marketplace :

  • Select the software of your choice. You can filter the available solution by clicking on "Payroll Software"

Paie & HR

  • Click on the integration to complete the export codes on Combo


  • Import the export to PayFit by going to Integrations > Combo, click on the blue "Import my Combo data" button in the "Import Data" section

Untitled.png (996×472)

Some data will need to be manually completed in PayFit:

  • Therapeutic part-time

  • Part-time: to fill in part-time on PayFit, you can follow their guide right here 👈

  • The workplace accident

  • Sick leave

  • May Day work

  • Premiums, Advances and Downpayments

  • Transportation expenses

  • Benefits in kind (other than food)

  • Business expenses

  • Expense reports

Good to know : Night and Sunday hours are taken into account in the export you generate on Combo.


  • Fill in all the required codes. You can download the export in .txt or .csv format for payroll


  • Click again on the box to open the configuration and fill in your item codes.

  • 2 exports will then be available in payroll: Talentia Absences and Talentia EVP


  • Click on the box again to open the configuration window and enter your codes.

    You have 2 parts to configure:

  • Breakdown codes (for working time).

By default, the fields on the right are empty. It's up to you to fill them in according to what you want to see in your export.

The left-hand column corresponds to your teams and labels created in Settings > Establishments & schedules > Scheduling. If you update these elements, the column will also be updated automatically.

You can un-check the rows you are not interested in.

  • Codes for variable payroll items and absences.

Codes have been entered by default. These are generic codes supplied by WinGip. If your codes are different, change them directly in the configuration and save.

Good to know : All codes are active, but some need to be set (fill in the code and tick the box) if you use them !

To import your exports efficiently, several points are recommended :

  • Get in touch with your WinGip contact to set up a specific folder. This folder will serve as a base for adding all your import files.

  • The name of your file must remain strictly the same: `temps_compt.text`.

  • We advise you to check before importing that only the file you want is in the folder.

To import the files, go to Payroll > Operations > Time clock link :

Once the import has been completed, click on the "Monthly elements" section to find the variable payroll elements and absences for your employees:

- In black = manual entry.

- In turquoise = information imported using the file.

Did you make a mistake or forget an employee ? Don't panic, you can import the same employee several times for the same period. Each file cancels and replaces the previous one ! 👍


On Silae* :

  • Go to Menu Summary (S) > Absences to retrieve the absence codes. The code to be set on Combo is in AB-Code format (e.g. AB-110 for occupational disease)

  • Go to Menu Summary (S) > Hours > Hours to retrieve the codes for overtime and additional hours (e.g.: HC-HC25 for additional hours at 25% premium).

On Combo :
Head to Settings > Marketplace :

  • Check the field codes you want to appear in your Silae export and fill in the good field codes in the following format :

    • Hours : HS-"Silae* code" (e.g.: HS-HN for normal hours)

    • Absences : AB-"Silae* code" (e.g.: AB-200 for maternity leave)

    • Variable pay items : EV-"Silae* table column name" (e.g.: EV-MealsServed for benefits in kind)

  • Uncheck the field codes you do not want to appear in your export

  • Save

*Trademark owned by a third party with no connection to Snapshift/Combo

Generating your payroll exports

Once the setup is complete, you've done the hard part and everything else is just a breeze !

Head to Reports :

  • Choose the pay period and establishment to be processed

  • Enter bonuses, advance payments and transport reimbursements in your payroll report

  • Click on 'Other exports' then, once everything is up to date, select the export from your payroll software.

  • The export is downloaded directly. You will also receive a copy by e-mail !

And that's it! Now all you have to do is import it into your payroll software !

Did you know ? Combo also offers pay slip distribution in just a few clicks !

Find out more here 👈

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