How to activate and set up the add-on and send your schedule by SMS ?
Head to Settings > SMS notifications :
Click on 'Enable' to activate
Tick the SMS option for the employees you want. By default, sending is deactivated for all employees.
Good to know :
If the employee has disabled the option “Authorize the admin to modify my personal information” in their personal preferences, it won’t be possible to activate the SMS feature from their profile.
If an e-mail has been added to the employees' profile, then when the schedule is sent by text message, there will be an e-mail too. It is the same e-mail as the one allowing your employee to log on to their profile.
Please remember to enter your employees' mobile number to activate the option !
When is the SMS sent ?
We text your employees when you :
Publish your schedule (if the "send schedule to employees" option is enabled)
Create, edit or delete a shift on a published schedule
Good to know :
You have a 5-minute delay between the moment you modify the schedule and the moment the text message is sent. This reduces the number of text messages sent to your employee, and condenses the information if you make several changes!
If you have to make several changes, you can also unpublish your schedule before republishing it with all the changes.
How the SMS received by your employees appears
That’s it, you have set up, published your schedule and a text message is sent to your employee. It will indicate the following information :
If you change a shift on a published schedule, then the SMS will inform you of what was planned before and what the shift has been replaced by. The employee will be able to clearly see the difference !
And now you know everything about sending the schedule by SMS ! 👏