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Validating your team's actual worked hours

Validating your employee's working shifts, a key step for your payroll !

Updated over 2 weeks ago

As an admin, director, manager, you very quickly validate all of your employees' shifts. To do so, make sure the schedule is published, and the shift has already started.

Indicating the worked hours which differ from the scheduled ones

Head to your Schedule :

  • Click on the shift to validate

  • In the actual hours section, it’s possible to change the shift label, indicate the hours worked (with the possibility of choosing a deduction from salary if late), the break(s), the meals, as well as a comment if necessary.

  • Validate

Validating multiple shifts, with one click, when they don't need to be edited

  • Click on 'Tools'

  • Select 'Approve multiple shifts'

  • Select the shifts to be validated ! You can validate all the shifts for an employee, a day, or all the shifts of the week ! Un-check the shifts whose working hours differ from the scheduled ones in order to fill them in individually

  • Save

Understanding the shift in color-coding on the schedule

To make it as easy as possible for you to manage your planning, we have implemented a color code at the shift level to see the status of the shifts at a glance.

  1. The shift is on a light background + ☑️ icon at the bottom right : The manager has validated the actual shift hours. If the actual hours differ from the scheduled ones, then you have the mention of the difference in the shift.

  2. The shift has a grey background + ☑️ : The manager has validated the actual shift hours. The actual working hours differ from the scheduled ones and a salary deduction will apply.

  3. The shift has a white background : The shift has begun or ended and hours have not yet been validated.

  4. Shift has no background : Shift has not started yet.

Would you prefer to validate shifts from your phone ? No problem ! Head right here to find out how to use the mobile app, and validate shifts ! 🎉

Do you use the Combo time-clock ? Excellent news ! Go to this article to find out how to validate shifts from the time-clock report !

And if you've made a mistake and want to go back, we've got you covered! We'll explain how to do it right here 👈

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