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How is the 1st of May managed ?
How is the 1st of May managed ?
Updated over 4 months ago

Did you know, that unlike other public holidays, Labor Day in France is considered a non-working day !

What does it mean ?

  • No salary deduction can be applied if the employee doesn't work (regardless of their seniority).

  • According to Article L3133-6 of the Labour Code : if an employee ever works hours on the 1st of May then they will be paid at least double, regardless of the employee's seniority !

However, if a collective agreement provides for a day of compensatory rest, it is added to the legal indemnity but does not replace it (cass. soc. of 30 November 2004, n°02-45785, BC V n°316).

How to easily find the hours worked on Labour day ?

Head to Reports > select the payroll period and your location :

In the Worked hours section of the preview table, you will find the column "Additionnal hours on May 1st".

All hours worked and hours of absence treated as working time (RCR, medical check-ups, training) will appear in this dedicated column.

This information can also be found in your exports :

  • In your spreadsheet export in the "Variable Payroll Items" and "Synthesis" tabs

  • In your EVP export

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