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Understanding the counters on the schedule

The counters on the schedule, a key indicator to assist you in your planning... And to do so, you need to understand them !

Updated over a year ago

On the left of your schedule, under each of your employees, you will find different counters. Let's check out together what they correspond to !

Head to Schedule > click on the stop-watch ⏱️ :

The first 2 types of counters indicate :

  • Your employee's contracted worked hours

  • The scheduled or worked hours

  • The scheduled or actual absences

  • The difference between the contracted hours and the scheduled or worked hours + absences. Don't worry, we will get back to this in a second 😉

The 3rd type of counter indicates the monthly difference directly.

We add the scheduled hours (contracted hours + absences) of the weeks included in your pay period or the civil month, and we compare them to the contract. This counter adjusts on the week you are looking at it.

How about an example? Shall we look at Daniel? He has a 35 h working-time contract.

During the 1st week of the month, he worked 35 hours on a 35 h working-time contract. But in the second week of the month, he worked 33 hours instead of the 35 h working time contract.

The counter "Cumulative monthly variance" will therefore indicate 0h in week 1 and -2h in week 2. Does it make more sense ? 🤓

Good to know :

  • The monthly variance counter only works if at least one shift or one absence has been scheduled for that week.

  • If you end your pay period during the month and don’t create the next pay period, the monthly cumulative difference will be calculated from the day after your pay period to the last day of that month.
    We've lost you ? Let me start again !

    If you end your pay period on Sunday the 25th, the next cumulative difference will be based on the 25th to the 31st and then resume from the 1st to the 31st of the following month.

What about the difference in the counter schedule ?

It was a promise ! Let's talk about the infamous differences ! You may have spotted different colors ?

🟢 : All good ! The worked hours and the absences added together correspond to the contracted hours.

🟠 : The difference indicates a negative counter and is in orange ? Your employee is under-planned, he will not work the contracted hours !

🔴 : Your employee is working more than the contracted hours ! It can be overtime, or normal hours. We explain how normal hours work right here 👈

How does the CTO counter work ?

A last counter will appear, but only for your full-time contracts: the CTO counter.

It indicates how many hours of overtime have been transformed into rest and the total balance of the counter (not at this date).

You can mask the counter in Options > un-check "CTO Counter" :

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