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What are normal hours ?
Kimberley avatar
Written by Kimberley
Updated this week

The definition of normal hours

Normal hours are hours that exceed the weekly working time stipulated in the contract, but which result from absences.

As these hours do not come from additional hours actually worked, they are not increased.

Why do normal hours appear on the schedule ?

In general, these "normal hours" appear during a week when the employee has worked days and has had time off. The accumulation of absences and worked hours exceeds the weekly contracted hours, but actual worked hours don't exceed the contract.

For example :

Mary has a 35h weekly contract and works 30 hours in the first 4 days of the week, then has paid leave on Friday.

We consider he would've had to work 7h on this day.

In total, during the week, he has 30 hours (actual worked hours) + 7 hours (time off) = 37 hours for a 35-hour contract. So 2 hours more. These 2 hours are normal hours and paid at the standard rate.

Isn't that overtime ?

Technically not. French Labour Code defines overtime as hours physically worked over 35 hours in the week. But in this example, the employee only worked 30 hours in the week.

Yet, it would be justified to pay for these 2 hours. We can see them as "additional" hours (in addition to the contract) but not increased overtime.

Which absences can generate normal hours?

All absences, except for absences considered as working time (training, medical visit or compensatory time off) can generate normal hours.

How to calculate normal hours?

There are two cases :

  • The employee has worked more than the contracted hours

The calculation to find normal hours is : (worked hours + absences) - worked hours

For example :

Mary has a contract for 35 hours weekly. This week, she is working 36h40 and has 7h30 of justified absence.

On the schedule we can see a 9h10 difference.

(36h40 + 7H10) - 36H40 = 7h10

There is therefore 1h40 of overtime and 7h10 of normal hours.

  • The employee has worked less or just the contract hours

The calculation to find normal hours is : (worked hours + absences) - contract hours

For example :

Matthew has a contract for 35 hours weekly. This week, he is working 30 hours and has 7 hours of unjustified absence.

On the schedule we can see a 2h difference.

(30 + 7 - 35) = 2h

There are 2 normal hours as well as 7 hours of absence to deduct from his pay :

(35 + 2) - 7 = 30h

Matthew will be paid for 30h for this week.

👉 To find out how absence times are calculated in Combo go here.

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