Editing my employee's default location or team

You want to change the default location of your employee ? No worries, we explain it all in this guide !

Marine avatar
Written by Marine
Updated over a week ago

With Combo, your employee has access to and is scheduled by default at the establishment to which he or she is attached. Whether they work on one or more shifts, all the hours worked, and the variable pay elements appear in the payroll report for the establishment linked to their contract.

Head to your employee's profile > Contract tab :

  • Click on the "Actions" button

  • Select "Fill-in"

  • Modify the "Default location" section. If you have several teams in your location, choose the team to which your employee must be attached to

  • Save

Good to know : Your employee will only be able to view the schedule of the teams they have access to. If you want to make an employee schedulable across multiple locations or teams, we reveal that here ! 👈

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