Access Work Schedule Details with Full Transparency
The Time clock report provides key data to accurately validate worked hours :
Planned schedules and breaks
Clock-in and clock-out times, accompanied by a status indicator ensuring consistency between the server time and the tablet time at the moment of clock-in:
🔴 Red: The tablet's time was manually modified and differs from the server time
🟢 Green: The tablet's time matches the server time
Actual hours, automatically calculated based on clock-in records and your time clock settings
Shift duration
Clock-in photo (if enabled)
Validation status
Validate shifts that differ from the planned schedule
If a clock-in differs from the planned schedule (lateness, early departure, etc.), it appears in orange in the attendance report, making it easier to spot.
Click on "Completed / To Process"
Modify the necessary information (schedule, breaks, meals, labels...)
Validate the changes
Good to know: To record an absence (sick leave, early departure, etc.), it must be added directly to the schedule.
Validate all other shifts in one click
Once all necessary modifications have been made, you can validate all remaining shifts in one simple step:
Check the box "Validate shifts"
Click on "Validate all"
And that's it! 👍
With these tools, validating actual working hours becomes simpler, faster, and more reliable. Ensure optimal time management for your teams with just a few clicks!