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How to create your shift ?

Creating a shift is a piece of cake ! Once the first one is created, you won't be able to stop !

Updated this week

Head to your Schedule :

  • Click on the desired white rectangle, a window will pop up, it's now up to you !

  • Choose to apply it to one or more employees

  • Select the dates this shift will apply to

  • Choose a label (corresponding to an item or task and previously created in the settings)

  • Indicate start and end times

  • Choose to add (or not) a meal, one or more breaks and specify the time !

💡 Are you interested in saving time ? You can choose to automatically add breaks and meals when creating a shift ! 🎉

What if my employee's contract begins or ends during the week?

It's so much easier to understand with an example !

👉 Let's take David : his contract starts on Wednesday, 28th February.

If I create a shift for several employees starting on February 27th, David's contract hasn't yet started. His name will not appear in the list of employees to add.

👉 Now let's look at Nadia. Her contract ends on the 28th February.

If I create a shift and select the dates for the 29th February and 1st March, then a non-blocking alert will appear: it notifies you that no shift will be created for Nadia. You will have to manually create it in another shift for her!

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