How are paid leaves calculated ?
Paid leaves depend on the calculation basis of your establishment (working or business days). In the payroll report, the number of paid leaves indicated will also depend directly on these settings. We explain the difference in this article.
On the schedule, the duration of the paid leave is calculated on the basis of your employees' weekly contract. If your employees' weekly work time is 35 hours, we divide this value by the paid leave basis (5 if you are on business days or 6 if you are on working days), then we multiply the result by the number of days taken.
Example : Helene has a 24 hours/week contract. She takes 4 days of paid leave and her establishment works on business days. We will have (24 / 5) x 4 = 16 hours.
You have the possibility to revalue this duration, it is all explained here 👈
Requesting paid leave
Combo makes it easy to request paid leave. You can request your paid leave quickly and can also handle all requests with clear visibility of your workforce.
From the web version
Head to your profile > Leave and absences tab :
Click on "New Leave Request"
Choose the type of absence requested (paid leave, unpaid leave, family event, one-time unavailability)
Indicate the required dates
Add a note if needed
From the mobile app
Head to Account :
Click on 'Request an absence'
Select the paid leave absence
Indicate the dates
You can choose to add a comment
Send the request
You can track the status of your absence request :
Pending: request not yet processed
Approved: the request has been accepted
Refused: the request has been refused
Expired: the request was not processed in time and the absence has already passed.
Deleted: the request has been validated, but the leave has been removed from the schedule.
Process your employees' requests for paid leave
To access time off requests from your menu, click on your name in the top right-hand corner, or on the notification bell if requests are in progress.
From the "Leave Requets" page, you can :
In "To process" :
View current requests and absences already planned for the period requested by the employee.
Filter by dates of leave or request dates !
Accept or refuse the request and leave a note for the employee concerned.
👉You can see if other leaves are scheduled or requested during the same period.
In "Completed ": find all your requests for paid leave, unpaid leave and occasional unavailability, and how they have been processed: approved, refused, deleted.
In "Expired requests": find all absence requests that have expired; it is no longer possible to validate them here.
In "Calendar": view all requests to be processed over the month, those accepted and created on the schedule.
If you delete a leave request from the employee profile (whether validated, refused or in progress), then the information linked to this leave request is completely deleted and there won’t be any history that will be available.
Good to know:
If a shift is scheduled on the dates covered by the leave, it will not be canceled, but will overlap with the absence. This means you can reassign the shift to another employee!
If an absence is already scheduled on the dates requested by the leave, it will not be possible to accept the leave request. Be sure to delete the absence before validating the leave request 👍
And to keep track of your paid leave, click here ! 👈