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The end of a paid leave acquisition period

What happens to your team's paid leave counters when your acquisition period comes to an end? Let's find out !

Updated over 4 months ago

When starting a new acquisition period, here's what happens behind the scenes at Combo !

1. We apply the paid leave earned in the last month of the current period (2.08 or 2.5 days).

2. We round up the holiday balance for the current period to obtain a whole number.

3. We transfer the data from the current period to the N-1 period so that you can start your new period.

4. We adjust this transfer according to your employees' N-1 and N balances.

Should we look into this in more detail ?

Rounding off the balance of paid leave at the end of the period

In France, if the number of paid leave days acquired over N is not a whole number (a number with commas, for example 24.96) at the end of the acquisition period. Then it must systematically be rounded up to the next whole number (according to Article L3141-7 of the French Labor Code).

The rounding up is applied automatically at the end of the period. To view the history of the steps, click on ‘View details’ on the holiday counter table :

Let's take Mary :
Her acquisition period runs from January 1 to December 31, 2022, and her company works on a business day basis (2.08 days/month).
She started her contract on February 1, 2022.

Here, she has acquired 20.80 days of leave by December 31, 2022.

On the night of December 31, 2022 to January 1, 2023, 2.08 days are added to her acquisition, for a total of 22.88 days of paid leave.

Her balance at the end of the period will therefore not be 22.88 days but 23 days of paid leave acquired when rounding up!

Transfering paid leave from N to N-1

At the end of your acquisition period, Combo transfers the balance of your paid holiday, whether it is positive, negative or zero.

N-1 Counter

N Counter

How does the transfer happen ?


Positive Balance

Paid leave not taken in your current N period is transferred to the new N-1 period.



No transfers, all the leave for the period has been taken: your new acquisition period starts as normal !


Negative Balance (more paid leave taken than acquired)

Paid leave taken in excess of your current N period is carried over to the new acquisition N period.

Positive Balance

Positive Balance

The paid leave earned in your current N period is transferred to the new N-1 period, to which the previous N-1 balance is added, and the leave not taken in your current N period is transferred to the new N-1 period.

Positive Balance


Leave earned in your current N period is transferred to the new N-1 period, plus the previous N-1 balance.

Negative Balance


The negative balance of the previous N-1 period is ignored for the new period because we do not allow a negative N-1 balance.

Negative Balance

Positive Balance

The negative balance of the previous N-1 period is ignored for the new period because we do not allow a negative N-1 balance.
And the leave not taken in your current N period is transferred to the new N-1 period.

Let's keep going with Mary with another example :
This time, the acquisition period runs from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023. We operate on a business day basis (2.08 days per month).
She has taken all her paid leave (25 days) over the N-1 period.

  • On the N period, she took 20 days of paid leave. Within her acquired balance of 22.88 days, she still has 2.88 days of paid leave left on May 31, 2023.

  • This is her balance on June 1, 2023 and the steps to get there:

1) We add May's monthly acquisition (here 2.08 days) to her 22.88 days acquired, making 24.96 days.

2) To find a whole number, we round the 24.96 days into 25 days of acquired paid leave. As she has taken 20 days of paid leave out of the 25 acquired, the remaining N balance is 5 days.

3) The days are moved from column N to column N-1 in the new acquisition period.
The 5 days of paid leave not taken in N are moved to the Acquired N-1 column, and the days Taken in N are moved to the days Taken in N-1 column.

You now have all the information you need to manage the end of your acquisition period in total confidence !

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