The first step is to enable the document template option from your Settings > Preferences :
Fill in your variables by location
Head to Settings > Document templates :
Select the variables by location
Click on "Manage variables" to add the following information before saving :
Manager's title
Manager's first and last name
Manager's function
Social Security number (SIRET)
Social Security name
Occupational medicine
Retirement fund name
Provident fund name
Health Insurance
Customize your document with our variables
You can copy and paste our variables directly into your word processing software (Pages, Word, Libre Office, Open Office...).
Open your document in your text editor and format it as you wish (font, size, color, add images...)
On Combo, select "Global Variables" and click on the variable to copy it
Then paste the variable into your document (to go faster, you can use the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + V
on PC orcommand + V
on Mac)Copy all the variables until your document is complete !
Good to know : The variables Account Logo
and Location Logo
enable you to add your location's logo. And if no logo has been added, it won't be displayed !
Import your document to Combo
Head to Document templates :
Click on "Add a template"
Name your document
Choose your document to import
Good to know : The document format must be .docx
When you save your document, you can export it to the correct format !
Edit an already existing template
To modify a template that has already been created, you’ll need to properly re-download it to make all the changes before importing it again.
Go to your Template List :
Download the document for editing
Edit the document in your text editor
Select "Edit" on the document you want to change and import the new document
And that's it! Your document is ready to be generated in your employees' profiles. Go here 👈 to follow the steps!