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Make the DPAE on Combo ?

How do you make the Pre-employment Declaration (formerly DUE) for your employees ?

Updated over 2 months ago

The pre-employment declaration (DPAE) is a French specificity.

Activate the option and set up your location on Combo

To begin, head to Settings :

  • In Preferences, make sure the option is active. This option is enabled by default.

  • Locations & Schedules to fill in the information : Company ID also known as SIRET Number (without any spaces), company's address, postcode, town

Fill in the information in your employee's profile

Head to your employee's profile > Preview > Personal information :

  • Click on "Edit Information"

  • Fill in the following fields : gender, date of birth, place and department of birth, social security number (without any spaces), current address with postcode and town

Good to know :

  • Make sure there are no spaces at the end of the nationality, social security number, address, postcode and town in the employees' contract !

  • To proceed to a DPAE, the employee's address must be a French one !

  • If it’s your employees’ first contract, they should reach out to their local health insurance to ensure that their file is properly managed. They can log on to Ameli or call 3646 (cost of a local call from a landline).

How to do the DPAE

Legally, as an employer, you are due to declare the employees arriving in your establishment within 8 days before their start date, or you face sanctions ! 😉

On Combo, you can make the pre-employment declaration 8 days prior to the start date and up to 8 days after.

Head to your employee's profile > Contract tab :

  • If the status indicates "Missing information", complete the missing information in your employee's profile.

  • If the status indicates "Pending", all you have to do is click on it and validate "Make the DPAE"! The request is sent to URSSAF 🎉

Where to find the receipt on the URSSAF website

To find your receipt, please log on to your URSSAF account. The receipt can take a couple of minutes to appear on the URSSAF website, no worries ! 🔥

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