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Setting-up your time clock

With Combo setting up your time-clock according to your needs is a piece of cake !

Kimberley avatar
Written by Kimberley
Updated over a week ago

The Combo time-clock must be enabled in order to configure it, and it is only available to admins. This is a paid add-on.

Go to the time clock's settings by clicking on Settings > Time Clock !

The time-clock registration

When your employees clock in and out, you can choose as a default setting for the arrival and departure times to be based either on their actual time or the scheduled one.

✅ Check the boxes to apply the actual clock in and out times.

What rules are applied if you prefer the scheduled times ?

  • Arrival time : If the employee arrives before the scheduled time, we will retain the scheduled hour.
    If the employee arrives later than the planned hour, the actual time of arrival - of sign-in, will be retained.

  • Departure time : If the employee leaves later than the scheduled time, we will retain the scheduled hour.
    If the employee leaves earlier than the planned time, the actual time of departure - from sign-out, will be retained.

Whether it is for arrival or departure, you can apply a tolerance (up to 20mn). This means that you will grant a tolerance for lateness or early departures.

Still unsure, let's sum up with an example :

You can choose to round up the employee's arrival or departure time to the nearest 5mn. This simplifies the entry of actual times, or in the case of many employees arriving at the same time, to allow a few minutes' delay.

If the shift starts at 2:00 pm and the employee signs in at 2:02 pm, it will be rounded to 2:00 pm. If he signs in at 2:04 pm, it will be rounded up to 2:05 pm.

You can require a justification if the clock-in is early or late.

The photo clock-in

You have the choice to enable photo taking when your employees sign in.

Two options are available, the random control or reinforced verification.

🎓 By default, and according to the CNIL's recommendation*, random control is selected.
* Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés, the French equivalent of Information Commissioner's Office.

Why random control ? The CNIL considers the systematic photo-taking of the time-clock somewhat excessive. By making the device more random, this respects the principle of minimization. So the photo-taking will be triggered randomly based on an algorithm, allowing you to verify the person who clocked in.

For more information, check out the CNIL website and its article on photo clock-ins right here 👈

Allowing breaks, meals and employees displayed

You can allow the employee to fill in their break times, during or at the end of their shift. To do this, simply check the option that works best for you:

  • Allow employees to input their break times on clock-out

  • Allow employees to sign for their breaks during the shift.

For each option, you can choose to retain clocked-in time over the scheduled one. This choice will come out when you validate your employees' actual hours: we explain everything here.

You can allow your employees to declare their meals. This enables them to fill in whether they have eaten one or more meals at the end of their shift.

You have the possibility to disable the clock-time for non-hourly staff.

Clocking-in on the Combo mobile app

You can allow your employees to clock in and out on the mobile app, which will also indicate their location.

For full details of how to set up this option, click here 👈

Displaying the clock in times

With this option, all employees' attendance sheets and the clock times will appear !

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